Reading makes us happy, but sharing is meaningful. Today's article will introduce 5 ways that about how do I share google play books.
Method 1: Share Your Account (between Android Devices)
This method works because Google allows us use multiple accounts on our android devices, so if your son or daughter wanted to read the book which are bought by your own account, they can use your account to log in and then read those files. Of course, they can still keep using their own account on their devices for email, calender, and other functions. This solution is really very convenient especially when your family member prefers to reading with android tablet or phone.
Another good point is that, with this method you can also share your purchased movies, music and apps with your family. But every coin has two sides, just because all your contents will be also shared if the account is added on another device, sometimes there is something that we don't want to share with anybody, this way will not be a good selection. You know, google really provides a lot of excellent services based on one account. Once my account is shared, I will worry about the safety especially when I use my gmail account to do business.
Method 2: Share Public in Google Books Library
Google allows us to share our books public in our google books library. This method is fantastic when we want to share something interesting with our friends (in G+).
Go to Google Books, log in with your personal account and then click on "My library".
On the left, if you see "Your Google Profile is not linked to Books", please click "Show my Profile next to public Books data".
Then, click a category or add a category, add books (Settings > Add by ISBN or ISSN) to the category.
After books added successfully to the category, click on Settings > Edit properties > Visibility > Make Public > Save.
If you just want to share your google books (books that you have uploaded to the library, not purchased from a book store) with dedicated friends, I will recommend you use Google Drive to share.
Upload the book to your drive, and then share with your friend by add his or her email address.
Method 3: Google Play Family Sharing
Like Amazon Kindle and Kobo, Google also provides the function named family sharing to help you share what you love with the ones you love.
How to set up google family sharing to share books? You can sign up on the web or inside the Google Play app on your Android device.
Then head to Account > Family > Sign up for Family Library.
To add accounts, click Menu > Family > Manage family members > Invite family members. More info please read google's official guide how to use google play family library.
1, You can only share books with up to 6 family members.
2, Not all purchased eBooks are available to share either.
3, Books sharing is not supported in all countries.
4, Only those books that we bought from Google Play Books store can be shared with others. Personal documents that we uploaded to the library are not available for sharing.
5, Free samples, public domain books, rented books such as textbooks, magazine and newspapaers, they are all not allowed to added into the family library.
Method 4: Using ADE to Share Books with an e-Reader
This part I introduced here is is intended to help those people who have several devices. This way helps you share one google book with multiple devices so that you can read them freely on Sony e-Readers, Nook, Kobo e-Readers. In this situation, your family can use your another device to read your books.
Go to Google Play Books, at the left click My Books.
Then under the book you want to share, click More (three dots icon).
Click Export -> Export as EPUB or Export as PDF.
Open ADE and connect the e-Reader to your computer. Once the ADE recognize your device, transfer the book you downloaded to the device.
1, Books we bought from Google won't be able to read on Kindle e-ink devices such as Kindle Paperwhite.
2, Highlights and notes won't be available when you read on another e-Reader.
3. Adobe Digital Editions compatible devices: Kobo, MiGear e-Book Reader, Hanlin, Menca, Biblio Leaf, iRiver, Digital Reader, ICARUS, Hanvon WISEreader, DL Reader, Cybook, inkBOOK, Tribooks, BOL.IT, Aldiko, LumiRead, Nook, Bluefire Reader, Dito, MyeBooks, XeriphLibrary, jetBook, Hanvon WISEreader, Hanlin, MiGear e-Book Reader, PocketBook, Sony Reader, VEDIA eReader, Samsung E-reader.
Method 5: How to Share Google Play Books without Limits? Strip DRM!
Books we bought from Google play books store are protected with Adobe adept DRM, this is also the reason why we can transfer them to another e-Reader via ADE.
Download google books as ePub or PDF to our computer, and then open them via ADE. Make sure that you can open and read your books with ADE please, this is the key to removing the adobe drm from your google books.
Then run Epubor Ultimate. It will automatically detect all the books you downloaded to ADE, you just need to click on "ADE" icon and select the book you want to share, drag them to the right area.
See? DRM are removed quickly. More info highly recommend you to read this article how to remove drm from google play books.
If your friend is using Kindle paperwhite, you can firstly convert your google books to Kindle Mobi or AZW3 format; If his or her device is android or kobo/sony e-Readers, convert to ePub or PDF.
The left is sending the drm free books to your friends or family. You can share books with them via email or, google drive.
A Customer Success Story of Using Epubor to Strip Google Play Books
I am a college student who needed a Google Play textbook’s Digital Rights Management removed in order to share it with my college classmates. I purchased the textbook through Google Play and followed the steps of downloading and using Adobe Digital Editions to send it to my classmates. However, the classmates couldn’t open the file because of Google’s Digital Rights Media preventing multiple devices from accessing the book through Adobe Digital Editions. They get this popup below:
I found the Epubor product through an internet self-help article which conveniently strips the book of its DRM so it doesn’t limit the number of devices that access it. All you have to do is go to the “Adobe” tab, drag your book to the right side of the task bar, and the book decrypts. If you don’t want to use Adobe anymore, click on “convert to PDF” to turn your book into a file you can share with any one (personal use)!
Magic, I can now allow others to access the textbook across multiple computers. We saved so much money compared to buying the textbooks individually! Thank Epubor!
Conclusion: Each method has its own advantage, but if you want to share your google books without limits, for example, keeping your own account safe and in privacy at the same time, sharing the book without account limits or device limits, removing drm with Epubor Ultimate is the best option! It's very smart, easy to use and very practice.

Angel Dan has covered software online marketing for more than 10 years. She joined Epubor since 2013, covering content writing, affiliate marketing, global brand expansion, video marketing, and business development.
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