HTML is widely used to create web pages. It is a globally predominant programming language for developing and formatting web pages. Most important, HTML has many advantages over other publishing options currently available, including compatibility, flexibility, and usability. Of course, there are many great uses of HTML files. So how can we convert files to HTML for better-displaying experiences? Let's find out in this post.
Why Do We Use HTML?
1. What is HTML?
HTML is short for HyperText Markup Language. Hypertext documents are interconnected by hyperlinks, which are typically activated by a mouse click. And markup is what HTML tags do to markup and format the content. They mark it as a certain type of text (bold text, for example).
HTML documents are files that end with a .html or .htm extension. It is a globally predominant programming language for creating web pages. An HTML file typically contains only text, but it has the ability to reference images and multimedia. It allows the user to create and structure sections, paragraphs, headings, links, and images for web pages that are displayed on the World Wide Web. Usually, each website consists of different HTML pages, such as home pages, about pages, content pages, etc.
2. How to View HTML File?
HTML is the main markup language of the web. HTML consists of a series of codes/tags typed into a text file. The text is then saved as a html file, and viewed through any browser, such as Google Chrome, Safari, or Mozilla Firefox. The browser reads the HTML file and translates the text into a visible form and renders its content as the author has intended.
3. What are the Advantages of HTML File?
HTML is one of the best options to develop the webpage or website, which does not require any advanced programming for managing the website. Most important, HTML has many advantages over other publishing options currently available:
• Has enriched interactive content. • Runs natively in every web browser. • Easy to learn, use and edit/share by link/update content and linked content. • Has a smaller file size allowing for a more direct translation of the content. • Specifically designed for screen viewing giving it a more pleasing on-screen appearance. • Uses progressive loading enabling access to the content as it’s viewed rather than waiting until everything is loaded. • Allows for selectable text, and even when text is rendered as an image, alternate text can be provided for screen readers.
Best Free HTML Converter
1. Convertio HTML Converter
Among all the free HTML converters, Convertio is definitely the most powerful and easy to use tool to convert your files to HTML effortlessly. It supports almost all the ebook formats, such as ePub, Mobi, AZW3, etc. The biggest advantage of using Convertio to convert to html is that you will only get one independent html file. By the way, it can also help you convert html to other formats. Below is the detailed guide to convert your file to html.
Step 1Upload your file from computer, Google Drive, Dropbox or by dragging it on the page.
Step 2Choose html as the output format.
Step 3Download your html file right after the conversion complete.
2. HTML Ebook Converter
OnlineConverter.com offers free online conversion services for a wide range of file formats and units of measurement, this is a versatile and multipurpose converter, a handy tool for your work and personal life. Its HTML ebook converter can convert various ebook files to html format, such as EPUB, MOBI, AZW, PDF, DOCX, TXT, HTML, RTF and more, or convert html files to other ebook formats as well.
Just select an ebook file you want to convert, next click Convert to start uploading your file. Once upload completed, converter will redirect a web page to allow you to download html file.
3. Online Document Converter - convert any document to HTML
Currently this HTML converter supports following types: Mobi/ePub/AZW3/TXT to HTML, DOC/DOCX to HTML, XLS/XLSX to HTML, PPT/PPTX to HTML and much more.
To convert to HTML, you only need to upload your file to the website and this HTML converter will convert it to HTML instantly. And you might receive a resulting ZIP file which concludes the html file.
Make Sure Your Files Are DRM Free
All the above free HTML converters only support DRM free files. Therefore, you must make sure your files are DRM free before uploading them. And if you want to convert your legally purchase ebooks from Kindle/Kobo/Google Play store to HTML, you can follow this step by step guide to remove DRM from Kindle/Kobo/Google Play books first in order to take full control over your property.

Amy Lopez crafts informative articles on eBooks and eReaders, uncovering optimal methods to enhance your eBook reading experience, and eagerly shares her findings with you.