Unable to Connect. There was an error while registering your Kindle. Please try again later.
When I tried to register my kindle with my Amazon account, there's always a message of error as above. I am 100% positive that the credentials are correct. Is anyone can help me find out why I can’t register my Kindle please? So have you ever come across the “Kindle won’t register to Amazon account” issue? If yes, you come to the right place. Here I will share the knowledge about registering and deregistering Kindle, including the workaround on kindle won’t register to Amazon account.
Part 1. How to Register and Deregister Kindle?
Before everything, let’s check out how to register and deregister Kindle.
How to register Kindle?
It is easy to register a Kindle device. At the Kindle home screen, tap settings button at the menu bar, tap “Your Account” and register your kindle with your existing Amazon account or create a new account to register.

Q: How to register a kindle without wifi ?
A: For now, there is no way to register Kindle without wifi. But you can contact Amazon support, tell them your Kindle serial Number, and request them to add this kindle device to your Amazon account. This is the only way to register a kindle without wifi.
How to deregister Kindle?
If you want to deregister your Kindle, just tap the top menu—>settings—>All settings—>Your Account—>Deregister Device. In the pop-up window, tap DEREGISTER and then your Kindle device will be in unregistered situation.
If you don’t have the Kindle in your hand, how to deregister your Kindle? In this case, you need to go to Manage Your Content and Devices on the Amazon website to deregister kindle device from your amazon account.
Part 2. Solved: Can’t Register Kindle
Here I have collected some workarounds to solve the “Can’t register Kindle“ issue.
Workaround 1 Ensure you are using correct Amazon credentials.
Before everything, please ensure your Amazon account information is correct. You can check it by signing in your Amazon account.
Workaround 2 Ensure you are using the latest version of kindle firmware.
You are not using the latest version of firmware. If your kindle device hasn’t used for ages, or you purchase a second hand kindle, please check your Kindle firmware at first and update it to the latest version. If the firmware is too old use Amazon's automatic updating service, you need to download the Kindle software update manually and install it.

Q: I cannot register Kindle DX? I've already install the latest firmware 2.5.8.
A: As for registering kindle DX, besides installing the latest firmware 2.5.8, you need to install the Kindle service update. Please choose the correct update for your kindle DX device. Please ensure the kindle firmware 2.5.8 has been installed at first and then install the kindle service update. For manually installing Kindle firmware and kindler service update, you just need to copy the downloaded bin file to the root directory of your kindle device, then at the home screen of the Kindle, find "settings" and tap "update your Kindle" to install these two updates.
Some kindle won't register to Amazon account even these two updates have been installed successfully. Here is a workaround: turning off your Two-Step Verification and try to register your kindle again.
Workaround 3 Check your wifi connection.
If you have correct Amazon account information and install the latest Kindle firmware but still cannot register your kindle, check your wifi. Please ensure your wifi works fine. My suggestion is switching to another wifi connection to check whether this registration failure caused by the internet connection. A simple easy way is turning on the hotspot on your phone, connected to the WiFi from your phone and try to register it again. If your kindle device registers successfully this time, you can switch back to your home wifi.
Workaround 4 Add your address or phone No. to in your Amazon account.
Please check whether you have filled in your address or Phone No. in your Amazon account. If not, please add them. Somone has registered kindle device successfully after adding them.
Workaround 5 Append the OTP to your password.
I entered my email address and password, and I do have the OTP on my email box. But where should I enter the OTP?
When you enter your email address and password to register, you might see an error message. You should receive an OTP from Amazon on your phone. Simply add this OTP number at the end of your password, like this "passwordOTP", and you will be able to register your Kindle successfully.

Q: I've tried everything above mentioned, but I still unable to register my Kindle.
A: Now you need to go to Amazon customer support to check whether this Kindle has been reported as stolen or losted. If yes, your kindle will be blacklisted. In this situation, Amazon will never help you register this kindle unless the original owner contact them.
Q: Can I use a Kindle without Amazon account or without registration?
A: Sure, you can use your kindle without linking it to your Amazon account or unregistered. If you choose to use Kindle in this way, you will not able to purchase the kindle books or magazines on kindle. However, you can use kindle as the standalone ereader. When you first start your kindle, don't connect it to your wifi and don't register your kindle. Then connect your kindle device to your computer via USB and then transfer ebooks to it. Please remember you can transfer DRM-free ebooks to your kindle device no matter they are purchased from Kindle store or not. Hereby, I will highly recommend you try Epubor Ultimate which not only can remove DRM from ebooks purchased from kindle, google play, nook and Kobo but also can convert these books to Kindle supported format.
These are all things about registering kindle I want to share with you guts today. If you any better idea on fixing "kindle won't register" issue, please share them in the comments to benefit others.

Iris Yan has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!
Another Fix -
None of the above items worked for me - finally realized it was modern 2 step verification that was preventing registration. I logged into my amazon account on a computer. Turned off 2 step verification. Then registered through the kindle and it went right through with no issue.
Add the 6 digit 2FA code immedately after the password rather than disabling it.
So if your password was 'password' and the 2FA is '012345' then in the password field type:
02.21.2021 (getting message on kindle fire device not registered. Please help and reset it so I can use it.
Had to factory reset my kindle due to shutting down problem.
When I try to register, it says my email and password don't match.
I try new register, but I don't have a mobile phone now, and it won't let me pass that requirement. Help!
I factory reset my kindle fire. Now I try to 're register but I only have this one device so when I get to the verification code page, there is a problem_ When it sends the code to my email, I can't get to it because your verification page won't allow me to exit out to get to my email page.
I have to literally turn off my kindle to access my email to get the code. But then I have to restart the registration process anew, which generates a different code. Just going in circles!
Is there a way to bookmark my current in process registration so that I can toggle between the to screens?
2. Also I don't have a phone, so how can I bypass that requirement?
Thanks Carry
Have a nice day~
Don't get any text message. tried 3 different accounts onto which I can access with no problem on my laptop, but all of them give the same error message:
Registration help
The information you entered does not match an amazon account. Please try again
For help please contact customer service at amazon.com/devicesupport
that page gives some tips including updating the firmware, which I did. Still get the same exact error message making the kindle unusable. What a joke.
We are in 2022 and they can't even fix such a basic bug that apparently many other people have and prevents them from literally using one of their products
Thanks in advance.
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hi, maybe someone can help me with this:
i have a kindle 4.1.4, which seems to be the newest update for this version? at least according to what i've been able to find out so far. (i've tried downloading updates manually from my computer to my kindle, but they don't show up in my kindle's menu after pulling them over)
here's the issue:
i got this kindle like, years ago, when i was a kid. my dad's amazon account was logged in. i logged it out to log my own account in, but everytime i try to do that, it shows "the entered email adress and password don't match any saved accounts. please try again."
the email and password are rigth, tho. i'm starting to think my kindle only recognizes accounts that were already in existence in like 2012, bc that's when i got it (and my account didn't exist yet).
i've read the threads and turned off two-factor authentification (everytime i tried to log in i'd get SMS with codes to my phone), but that didn't help either.
does anyone have any other suggestions?
ok so this is what happened later: (it works now!)
for some reason at some point i started getting "one time passwords"
if you get that message, put in the one time password instead of your actual password, and it might work for you as it did for me!
I then spotted an email with a one time code typed it and it worked. I was going to get a whole fiver from Amazon for returning a defective kindle. So much for kindle help !!!!
Don't get caught out by them
You could try to contact Amazon customer service to help you to unblock your Kindle. If you have other standalone e-readers, our software is compatible with eBooks purchased from different devices like Noble Nook, Sony, Kobo, Google Play etc. You can use it on them.
This article was immensely helpful in unblocking me to login with my Amazon account on Kindle Paperwhite 1 (2012). I kept getting "Unable to connect - your Email / Password does not work, please try again later" message. Disabling the 2-factor OTP authentication didn't help either. So I disabled it and then manually updated the firmware, I was able to login with my Amazon account. If I turn on 2-factor authentication, then I should just append the OTP after the password as per Amazon instructions, which is acceptable.
Surprisingly and it's funny, this solution was unknown to Amazon reps so they discouraged me from using this device and offered me 20% discount to buy a new device.
Thanks again to the author and the community who commented with ideas on this blog.
Hello, thanks for your comment.
Did you try the methods we mentioned in this article?
If you still failed to register your Kindle, please contact Amazon customer support to get your kindle register again.
Best regards,
Epubor Team