
4 Ways to Export Kobo Highlights and Notes

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I want to get out of my highlights and notes from my Kobo eReader. Is there any way to export kobo highlights and annotations?

Do you like to make notes or highlights while reading ebooks? I do. I find it is enjoyable to read all my notes from my favorite books. That’s why I want to seek the way of exporting kobo highlights.  If you are in the same situation, just read the following parts to get the details.

export kobo highlights and notes

Method 0. The Easiest Way to Export Kobo Highlights and Notes from Kobo eReader or Kobo App

Before trying other methods, you should familiarize yourself with the easiest way to export Kobo highlights and notes, as it can save you both time and energy. Epubor Kclippings is specifically designed for this purpose, allowing you to export your Kobo highlights and notes to various formats. Additionally, it offers the functionality to export them directly to Evernote. Meanwhile, if you have kindle books, Epubor Kclippings also can help you export kindle highlights and notes.

Download the tool for free:

1.How to export kobo highlights and notes from kobo eReader with Epubor Klcippings?

Step 1: Connect kobo eReader to your computer and tap "Connect" on Kobo eReader.

Step 2: The Kobo highlights and notes will be loaded to Kclippings automatically.

import highlights and notes from kobo ereader

Step 3: You can edit or delete your highlights or notes, or simply select the books to export the highlights and notes to different formats.

select export file format

To find the exported highlights and notes, click on the output folder located in the bottom left corner.

Kclippings cannot find my Kobo eReader. Here is how to fix:

If the Kclippings can’t detect your Kobo device, please follow the steps below to import your notes and highlights.

1. Connect your Kobo to your computer, then find this file KoboReader.sqlite from your Kobo e-reader and save the files to your computer.

connect kobo ereader to computer

2. Then import the KoboReader.sqlite file by clicking “Database file of Kobo” in the KClippings as the picture shows. Then you can view, edit, and export your Kobo highlights and notes.

import kobo database to kclippings

2. How to export kobo highlights and notes from Kobo for PC/Mac with Epubor Kclippings?

Assuming you have synced the Kobo books via Kobo for PC or Mac.

Step 1: Launch Epubor Kclippings and the kobo highlights and notes will be imported to Epubor Kclippings.

import kobo highlights

Step 2: Now you can choose one or books, and right-click to choose the output format to export it. Now Epubor Kclippings supported output formats include epub, pdf, mobi, txt, docx and markdown.

output format kclippings

Just a second, the process will finish. And a notification will appear on the top right corner. And this notification will disappear soon. You can click the "Output folder" icon at the bottom left corner to find your exported kobo highlights and notes.

find the exported kobo highlights and notes

3. How to export Kobo highlights to Evernote?

If you are using Evernote to manage your kobo highlights and notes, Kclippings can be a perfect choice for transfering your kobo highlights to Evernote.

Step 1: Load kobo your kobo highlights to Kclippings and then choose " Evernote".

export kobo highlights

Step 2: In the prompt window, log in to your Evernote account to connect Kclippings with Evernote.

authorize evernote

Once you have connected Evernote to Kclippings, you won't need to reauthorize it again when exporting Kobo notes or highlights to Evernote in the future.

kobo highlights to evernote

4. How to export Kobo highlights to Notion?

If you're looking for a way to automatically export highlights to Notion - the knowledge management apps, Epubor KClippings can help you do that.

Step 1: Load kobo your kobo highlights to Kclippings. You can import kobo highlights and notes from kobo eReader or kobo desktop application which we have already shared the detailed steps in the very beginning. Then choose Export>>Export to Platform>>Notion.

kobo highlights to notion

Step 2: In the prompt window, log in to your Notion account to connect Kclippings to Notion.

connect kclippings to notion

Step 3: After connecting your Notion to Klcippings successfully, go back to Kclippings. Then choose the books that you want to export the highlights and notes to Notions. The click Export>>Export to Platform>>Notion. This time your kobo notes and highlights will be exported to Notion.

kobo highlights to notion

Now you can view your kobo highlights and notes on Notion.

kobo highlights to notion

Method 1. Export Kobo Highlights and Notes from Kobo eReader using code

1. Plugin your kobo eReader to your computer and tap “Connect” on the Kobo device.

2. Find the file called Kobo eReader.config. It’s located on the Kobo drive and its default path is .kobo/Kobo.

kobo ereader config

3. Right-click on the Kobo eReader.config file and open it with a basic text-editing program like Notepad. Add the following code to the file at the bottom, or anywhere as long as it’s separate from the other code:

[FeatureSettings] ExportHighlights=true

add export feature

Then save this file.

4. Eject your kobo reader from your computer.

5. Go back to your kobo eReader, and press the book you want to export the highlights and notes until the menu appears. And the menu will have an extra option, "Export highlights". Tap it.

export kobo highlights

6. A new page will pop up and just fill in the name for your highlights and tap “Export”.

export kobo highlights

7. You just export your highlights in the root directory of the device.

export kobo highlights

Watch Video Tutorial

Method 2. Export Kobo Highlights and Notes Online

KoboNotes is online service that can help you export kobo highlights and notes for free. To use this service, you need to set up account.

1. Register an account if you still don’t have one.

register kobonotes

2. Find the “KoboReader.sqlite” file from your Kobo ereader. It should be stored here: \.kobo

kobo reader sqlite

3. Upload “KoboReader.sqlite” and your kobo highlights and notes will be displayed at the right column.

export kobo ereader highlights

Method 3. Export Kobo Highlights and Notes from Adobe Digital Editions

If your kobo books are downloaded on Adobe Digital Editions on your Windows or Mac computer, you can find your kobo highlights and notes by this method.

All adobe digital editions annotations files are stored as .ANNOT file on your computer. Actually, .annot file is used to store auxiliary data for EPUB files like notes, bookmarks, highlights, and other sorts of "meta" data.

Here is the default path for the annotations files on your windows and Mac

Windows: C:\Users\username\Documents\My Digital Editions\Annotations

Mac: /Users/username/Documents/Digital Editions/Annotations

For the .annotations files, you can right click it and open with text editing program such as notepad.

export kobo ereader highlights

These are four different ways to export kobo highlights and notes. You can just choose one to export your kobo highlights and notes now.

Compared to other methods, Epubor KClippings is the most convenient option. With it, you can automatically import your Kobo highlights and notes from either your Kobo eReader or the Kobo desktop application. What's more, it can also export your Kobo highlights to PDF, EPUB, Markdown, DOCX, and more. It even allows you to export your Kobo highlights and notes to Notion and Evernote automatically. If you're looking for a handy tool to back up or transfer your Kobo highlights, Epubor KClippings is definitely the best choice. You can download the free trial now!

If you have any better methods to export kobo highlights, please share them in the comments section.

Download Epubor Kclippings free:

has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!

12/18/2020 12:54:13

Thanks for your sharing.
It is so useful and I think anyone who bought a Kobo Ereader eventually would want to export their highlights and keep the precious notes forever.
I myself think that the Kobonotes is the easiest way and can straight away save it in PDF File.
Easily you can create a storage of pdf book by your own.
Thanks for your shared knowledge!

12/21/2020 22:02:02
This is incredibly helpful, thank you!
I think its terrible that Kobo make it this difficult given all the new apps which integrate with your eReader notes to make them searchable and archivable off the device, particularly good for study, learning and research and something that the Kindle does with ease. Very disappointing and though I love my LibraH2O if I had known this I would have thought twice, thought I dislike Amazon and its dominance of the market.
01/19/2021 03:04:33
Thanks for sharing this info. I think I have to do a factory reset I was looking for a way to save my notes. So glad I found this. Kindle does make this process so much easier to get access and keep your notes. Glad to see Kobo has something as I love my Kobo.
01/19/2021 11:30:49
Thank you for your comments. We are glad to know that this article can help you. Have a nice day!
02/2/2021 14:13:08
Can someone here confirm if this proposed way to export notes/highlights works for sideloaded books too?
09/10/2021 07:26:37
Yes. I did it here and it worked. A positive note to Kobo. We cannot load sidebooks notes using kindle.
04/5/2021 20:02:26
Thank you so much for this. I have been reading for years from my Kindle and I really, really liked all functionality. I added Kobo to my reading devices, and really use my marking and notes - you helped me out.
04/6/2021 14:55:07
It is great to know you like. Have a nice day~
07/3/2021 03:54:44
Wow, this was really helpful, thank you so much! For mac users out there, you'll need to unhide the folders to see the '.kobo' folder for the first method.
07/5/2021 09:29:16
Thank you for your feedback.
09/23/2021 23:59:16
Thank you! And... is there a way to read the transfer my highlighted and annotated epub file to my PC, and read the text highlighted and annotated, like I see it on the Kobo?
09/26/2021 23:02:52
That is so usefull !
The first method works perfectly for me.
You just made me save so many hours !
Thank you.
09/27/2021 22:58:22
Thanks very much! I could export most of my highlighted text and notes.
But on several places a phrase ends in the middle, adds just some dots.
As if those phrases are too long to process it.
Is there a way to repair this?
02/22/2022 07:33:16
Excellent directions for exporting annotations and highlights.  Note that I used method #1 and the exported file was located in a folder called "Exported Annotations" in the root directory of my Kobo Aura 1 ereader.
03/19/2022 10:34:32
Thanks, it worked perfectly
04/1/2022 01:30:36

The Method 1 worked perfectly with my Kobo Forma.

I got a big problem to find a way for extract my notes done in books read.
I tried the plug-in "Annotation" from "Calibre" library management... Then it was bad results... It extract those notes but sometimes they was in literally random order... So needed to organise again during my note-review (wasting time).

The Method 1 (done today 31.04.2022) literally save my use of notes and highlights from my e-book in Kobo, they extract them in chronological order. So it's awesome to found that without any cost and price also... I'm really glad.

*I also tried a software in a trial version (only for 3 books) and later needed to do payment, it also presents the same problem the I had with plug-in "Annotation" of "Calibre" (some notes was not in chronological order of the book chapters, so confusion a needed to review=wasting time).

I'm really glad to Epubor

08/24/2022 19:47:42
I want to export only "Touch" bookmarks to "Clara HD". How to do it?
09/19/2022 22:12:33
Will the first one be a problem for guarantee? As I'm changing things, can that make it out of the guarantee? (I've just bought my Kobo)
06/8/2023 15:52:08

Hi Iris..

Can i export the written my Notebooks with this?

As i use the kobo mainly as a big notebook.. and not as reader

08/11/2023 23:13:44
YESSS, so happy with this explanation! Method 1 works for me on a Mac. Please keep in mind that you have to unhide hidden folders first, otherwise you won't see the directory you need. You can unhide hidden folders with CMD + Shift + . (dot). Thank youuuu! <3
07/4/2024 01:10:04
It is not working for me. my books are not loading, neither are my highlights. Can someone help me out?
I am on the first go of the trial version
07/4/2024 08:34:18
Thank you for using our software. Can you please tell us where do you want to export kobo highlights and notes from? From devices or kobo desktop application? If from kobo device, what's your kobo devices model?
08/31/2024 01:01:45
Thank you VERY MUCH!!! I was strugling to export mu annotations from my kobo clara. Your line of code was perfect. Thanks for share!
12/1/2024 23:36:06
Great article. Also want to add this one here: kobohighlightsexport.com is a free tool to export your highlights to text files :)
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