If you have any more problem with using epubor software, please contact our customer service:
To get the full content, please use the license version. You can purchase it, or get a free license (
gesendet, wenn nirgends beim Kauf eine Mailadresse abgefragt wird ?
How long do I need to wait for a 7 days free license after sending the email to you?
I am trying to assess the free trial version so that I can check out if I can convert kindle books (.mbpV2 format) or not. I have followed the guideline for downloading an older version of Kindle.
If I close the mesage box about registration, it doesn't allow me to drop anything to the epubor app. When I go to 'add' files, then it doesn't show me the folder 'My Kindle Content' either. I tried copying the files to a folder that is visible by epubor app, but still it doesn't work.
Can you please help me?
Hello, thanks for your message.
May I ask what computer you use, Windows or Mac?
And what version of Kindle app you use to download your Kindle books?
Please contact us via, we will send you a user guide and help you solve your problem.
Best regards,
Epubor Team
Could you please describe your question more clearly?
If you want to use the trial version of our software, please download it from our website, and close the registration window, then you can start the free trial.
Any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via
Best regards,
Epubor Team