Except Amazon and Kobo the 2 main eBook retailers, Barnes & Noble also shares a part of eBook market. For eBook lovers, sometimes, we simply just found an eBook we love very much, while it's not sold on Kobo or Amazon eBook store, but Nook. We purchase it and want to read it on more portable devices or platform we like without any limitation. Obviously, PDF is a more accessible format. Therefore, we may need to convert Nook to PDF. But how can we convert Nook books to PDF files? Don't worry! This is exactly I will talk about in this article. You can learn about an excellent Nook to PDF converter and how to convert for details here.
To convert Nook to PDF, just follow the below steps:
- Install and set up Android Studio on your PC/Mac.
- Download Nook books via Nook for Android App.
- Use Epubor Nook Converter to remove DRM from B&N books.
- Convert decrypted Nook eBook to PDF.
First, get the nook drm removal tool ready
Nook for Windows App is no longer available for new downloads from the Microsoft Store. If you want to use Nook App on your computer, please download and install an Android emulator and Nook for Android APK.
Download Android Studio here Download Nook for Android APK here
Epubor Nook Converter is the unique one that supports the latest DRM scheme for now. It is available for both Windows and MacOS, please download the right version from the link below.
Download Epubor Nook Converter for Win Download Epubor Nook Converter for MacSecondly, install and configure the Android Studio
After you install the right version of Android Studio on your computer, please follow this GIF to set up Android Studio
Thirdly, download Nook books to computer
Install Nook for Android APK into Android emulator and tap the icon to run Nook app.
Log into your Nook account and download the Nook books from Nook Library.
Next, remove DRM from Nook books
After your Nook books are downloaded via Nook for Android, run Epubor Nook Converter and click "Refresh" button, these books will automatically show up under the Book Library in Nook Converter.
Drag and drop the books from left to the right area to remove DRM from your Nook books.
Note: Don't forget to input your Nook account information to generate the Nook key file for decryption. For more steps and details you need to pay attention to, please read the Epubor Nook Converter user guide.
Lastly, convert Nook books to PDF
With the help of Epubor Nook Converter, you can get DRM-free Nook books in EPUB format. If you want to convert them to PDFs, you can use some eBook converter program, here, we recommend Epubor Ultimate. Simply add the DRM-free Nook EPUB books to Epubor Ultimate, then select PDF as the output format and click "Convert to PDF" button to convert your Nook books to PDF format.
Job done. Now what we need to do is to find the converted PDF books from output folder and enjoy reading your PDF files. We can also transfer them to iBooks, Kindle or Kobo eReader, etc and view eBooks without any restrictions.
Epubor Ultimate for Windows Download
Ada Wang works for Epubor and writes articles for a collection of blogs such as ebookconverter.blogspot.com.