
How to Export Google Play Books to Mobi, DOCX, AZW3, and More Format

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Google Play Books is a popular platform for purchasing and reading eBooks. Can I export google play books? Even more, can I export Google play books to Mobi, docx, azw3 and more format as I want transfer my Google Play books to Eink devices like kindle, kobo, and remarkable.

Can You Export Books from Google Play Books?

Yes, you can export google play books as acsm for epub or pdf. And those acsm files are protected and must be opened with Adobe Digital Editions.

What File Format Are Google Play Books?

Google Play Books are typically available for download in two formats: PDF and epub.

  • 1. PDF: A static format that preserves the layout of the original book, suitable for books with fixed layouts or images.
  • 2. EPUB: A reflowable format ideal for text-heavy books, allowing the text to adjust dynamically to different screen sizes and devices.

These formats are standard for eBooks but may include DRM restrictions, making them less accessible for conversion without specialized tools.

Can I export Google Play books as docx, azw3, mobi or other formats? Sure, with some tricks, you can easily convert Google Play books to Mobi, DOCX, AZW3, and more Format.

How to Export Google Play Books to Mobi, DOCX, AZW3, and More Format

Exporting Google Play Books to DOCX, AZW3, or MOBI involves several steps, including downloading the book, removing DRM, and converting the file to your desired format using Epubor Ultimate.

Step 1: Download Your Google Play Books

1. Log in to your Google Play Books account.

2. Go to your library and locate the book you wish to download.

3. Click the three-dot menu next to the book and select Download.

export google play books

4. Choose between “Export ACSM for PDF” or “Export ACSM for EPUB” format, depending on what is available. If both are available, it is better to “Export ACSM for EPUB” as this format is open reflowable and better for conversion.

export google play books as pdf

5. Open acsm files with Adobe Digital Editions. This operation will download acsm file as epub or pdf files from the Google play books server.

download google play books adobe

Step 2: Remove Google Play DRM with Epubor Ultimate.

If the downloaded book is DRM-protected, you will need to remove the DRM to convert it. Ensure you only use DRM removal tools for personal use. The most popular tool for removing DRM is Epubor Ultimate.

1. Install Epubor Ultimate on your computer.


2. Import your Google Play book into Epubor Ultimate. Actually, your Google Play books downloaded with Adobe Digital Editions will be displayed in the left side bar under “Adobe” tab in Epubor Ultimate. Just drag them to the right main interface, DRM will be removed automatically.

remove drm from google play books

Step 3: Convert to DOCX, AZW3, or MOBI Format

After removing DRM, you can use Epubor Ultimate to convert Google Play books to your desired format, let’s say DOCX, AZW3 or MOBI. In the conversion window, choose the output format from the download arrow button.

choose output format

  • DOCX: For word processing and editing.
  • AZW3: For Amazon Kindle devices.
  • MOBI: For older Kindle models or compatibility with specific devices.

Click “Convert to xxx” to start the conversion.

convert google play books to azw3

Now you can click "output" folder icon at the bottom right corner to explore all your converted google play books.

Step 4: Transfer Google play books to Your Device

Once the conversion is complete, transfer the file to your preferred device.

  • For Kindle devices, use a USB cable or send the file via "send to kindle" to your Kindle devices.
  • For other eReaders, copy and paste the file to the device’s storage.


Exporting Google Play Books to DOCX, AZW3, and MOBI formats requires the use of conversion tools like Epubor Ultimate. With the right tools and steps, you can export your Google play books to any of your desired formats.

Download Epubor Ultimate for free trial now

has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!

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