Can I listen to audiobooks on kindle? Yes, you can listen to audiobooks on kindle devices. Audiobooks on Kindle offer a compelling way to experience the joy of reading. There are different ways you can enjoy your audiobooks on your kindle.
Does kindle have audiobooks?
Yes, Kindle offers audiobooks in various ways.
If you have purchased Audible audiobooks using your Amazon account, you can download and listen to them on your Kindle devices.
If your Kindle device enables the text-to-speech feature, you can have your Kindle read your books aloud for you. While it may not be of the same quality as a professionally produced Audible book, it is still quite tolerable.
If you have subscribed to Kindle Unlimited, you can also access Kindle Unlimited audiobooks on your Kindle device.
How to listen to audiobooks on kindle?
How to listen to audiobooks on Kindle eReader--Paperwhite, Oasis and more eReader?
If you have purchased Audible books, you can follow the steps below to listen your Audible audiobooks on Kindle eReader.
Step 1 Connect your kindle to a bluetooth speaker or headphone.
Turn on the "Bluetooth" on your kindle Paperwhite and connect your Kindle to a bluetooth speaker or headphone.
Step 2 Tap Audible titles on your Kindle to download it.
Step 3 Listen to Audible audiobooks on Kindle.
Once the kindle books downloaded to your kindle eReader, tap it to listen to Audible audiobooks on Kindle. To listen to Audible books on more kindle device, please read How to Listen to Audible on Kindle Devices.
Q: Does Audible work with all Kindle eReaders?
A: No, Audible audiobooks only work on selected Kindle eReaders, not all of them. However, Audible works on almost all Kindle Paperwhite models (excluding the 7th generation and earlier), Kindle Oasis, Kindle Basic models, and older Kindle models like Kindle Touch and Kindle Keyboard.
Q: Does Audible work with Kindle Voyage?
A: No, Kindle Voyage doesn't support audio.
Q: Can I download and listen library audiobooks on Kindle paperwhite?
A: No, you cannot download library audiobooks to kindle paperwhite, but you can download library audiobooks to kindle fire with libby.
Q: Can I listen to kindle books on kindle eReader?
A: Yes, you can listen to kindle books on Kindle eReader via text to speech on kindle. If you don't know how, just follow this guide: How to Use Text-to-Speech on Kindle.
Q: Can I listen to Audiobooks on Kindle fire?
A: If you have a Kindle Fire, listening to audiobooks becomes much easier. Whether it's Audible or audiobooks you've sideloaded onto your Kindle Fire, you can enjoy them all on your device. Here are five methods to listen to audiobooks on your Kindle Fire.
How to listen to sideloaded audiobooks on Kindle?
Some audiobook lovers may inquire whether they can transfer MP3 audiobooks to Kindle Paperwhite and listen to them. However, I must clarify that it's not possible to listen to sideloaded audiobooks on a Kindle Paperwhite.
However, if you have the very old kindle--kindle keyboard, you can still transfer and listen to mp3 audiobooks on Kindle.
You just need to connect your kindle to your computer, and copy and paste the mp3 files to the "Music" folder of your Kindle. Then eject it. On kindle keyboard, go to "Settings">>"Experimental">>Select "Play MP3" to start listening to the tracks that you copied onto your Kindle.
How to listen to audiobooks on kindle app?
Actually, you cannot listen to audiobooks on the Kindle app. However, if you add narration to your Kindle books, you can activate the 'listening to audiobooks on Kindle app' feature.
How to listen to audiobooks on kindle app for iphone? How to listen to audiobooks on kindle app android? The steps for listening to audiobooks on kindle app for android and iphone are almost the same. The most important thing is that you need to add the narration for your kindle books. When you are reading kindle books, you can download the audiobook version. Then you can listen to Audiobooks with Kindle App.
To learn the detailed steps, please read how to add narration to your kindle books and listen to Audiobook while reading kindle books.
How to listen to audiobooks with kindle unlimited
It is great news that most popular eBooks with Audible Narration in Kindle Unlimited. So if you have subscribed to Kindle unlimited, you can listen to Kindle unlimited audiobooks easily without extra expense.
You can play Kindle Unlimited audiobooks on your Kindle by simply adding them to your library. Then, download them to your Kindle Fire or Kindle Paperwhite to listen just like purchased Audible audiobooks.
If you want to listen to Kindle unlimited audiobooks on Kindle app, you need to add both the kindle edition and the narration to your library, and then listen audiobooks on your kindle app.
Why can't I get Kindle Unlimited Audio Narration on books I own?
If you have already purchased some Kindle eBooks, you may encounter difficulties adding the audio narration from Kindle Unlimited to your library for listening. Many users have already encountered this issue. To resolve it, you can simply delete your purchased Kindle books from your Amazon content and add both Kindle Unlimited eBooks and audiobooks. Please note that your purchased Kindle eBooks will be permanently deleted from your account. You will need to repurchase them if your Kindle Unlimited subscription ends. So this method is not the best way and not recommended, but still a workaround.
Final Thoughts
I've outlined three different methods for listening to audiobooks on Kindle, Kindle Fire, and the Kindle App. For Kindle eReaders, it's preferable to listen to Audible audiobooks. If you prefer to use the Kindle App for audiobooks, you'll need to add Audible narration to your Kindle books. This allows you to seamlessly switch between reading and listening within the Kindle App. Additionally, Kindle Unlimited audiobooks can be enjoyed using both the Kindle eReader and the Kindle App using the above two methods.
Pro tips:
Do you know that Epubor Audible Converter can help you download and convert Audible books to mp3, m4b and mp4? If you are looking a way to backup your Audible audiobooks, just try Epubor Audible Converter.

Iris Yan has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!