There are a bulk of eBooks in the tablet or eReader. As usual, we try to manage our eBooks collections and classify them into different categories by themes or authors. If you would like to combine these serial fiction segments from the same author, how to merge these files into a single eBook? There is a free EpubMerge plugin for Calibre to help us combine ePub files with Calibre.
What should we need?
- Calibre
- EpubMerge Plugins
- EPUB DRM Removal
There is no need to worry about how to be proficient in conducting Calibre. You just follow this guide step by step. And make sure you have installed Calibre and imported the destination eBooks successfully.
This plugin offers users create new EPUB eBooks by merging unDRMed EPUB format eBooks. Firstly, we should import the Epub format eBooks into Calibre. If the eBooks are another format, let's convert them to Epub format by Calibre. The DRMed eBooks couldn't be loaded into it. How to remedy this defect? It's so easy to use an EPUB DRM Removal shareware to decrypt DRM from all EPUB eBooks.
Download this tool for free:
Windows Version Download Mac Version Download
If all required tools are ready, let's try to test the function of EpubMerge plugin.
How to use the Merger Plugin for Calibre
1Configure Plugins for Calibre
Navigate to the "Prefernces" in the tools bar menu. Tap a triangle icon next to it and choose the "Get plugins to enhance calibre" from the drop-down list.
Input the name of Calibre plugins that you would like to install into the "Fliter by name" text box. And you can sort these plugins by clicking the Plugin Name column and locate a couple of the plugins with ease.
Choose one of these plugins for Calibre and right click the name. Then select "Install" from the drop down list. Go to click "Yes" when the pop-up window will prompt a security risk. In the next step, confirm your preference setting from the pop-up window. Soon after, it will prompt that you should press the "OK" button and restart the calibre to active the merger plugin.
On the other hand, the installation of splitter plugin is the same as the above process. You just select the splitter plugin and repeat the process of installation. When you reopen the Calibre program, you will find two icons in the tool menu bar. If not, please go to "User Plugins" window again. Tap the box next to the "Fliter list of Pugins" icon in the "User Plugin" window and select "Not installed" from the drop down list. Then check out whether you success in installing all of plugins.
Tap a triangle icon next to the EpubMerge icon and choose the "Configue Plugin" from the drop down list. It will open the window for some basic configuration options. The default option can help you maintain the metadata in order to restore the original state.
2Merge DRM-free EPUB eBooks
In the next step, it will pop up a window called "Order EPUBs to Merge" to prompt you confirm the EPUB books which you want to merge. If there is an eBook which you don't want to combine, choose the book and press the "X" button to remove it with ease. If you check out all right, just press "OK" to confirm. Forget the pop-up window and press "OK" button. And it will pop up a metadata window before all ePub eBooks are merged. Generally speaking, the metadata is inherited from the first book in the merge list. Of course, you can set your custom metadata. Once all are right, please press "OK" to go on merging.
When all books are merged, there is a new book in the Calibre library. Now choose the incorporated eBook and right click the name of a book to view. You will find the eBook is made of the pre-merge epub eBooks in order.
You can also restore the merge eBook to the original status. Let's select the incorporated ePub eBooks. Then go forward to the EpubMerge menu, choose the UnMerge Epub option. Now let's take a snap to split the merge eBook apart.
3Merge DRMed eBooks
Install EPUB DRM Removal and launch it. Drag or load the DRM eBooks into the program. Click "Remove DRM" Button. Just need only one click and decrypt DRM from EPUB with the original quality. The next step is the same as step 2 above.
Download the Shareware EPUB DRM Removal free:
Windwos Version Download Mac Version Download
By the way, is there a possibility to merge or split secured PDF files? There is a way to succeed in how to remove pdfs security and combine pdf files into one step by step.

Ada Wang works for Epubor and writes articles for a collection of blogs such as ebookconverter.blogspot.com.
Thanks very much for the excellent Calibre software, it really helps me a lot ;-)
But now there's a problem: I'm using Epubmerge plugin to merge more than 4000 epub files, (total size > 500.00MB) it reports: out of memory, and then exit...
Because our netword limit, I cannot reach and register on the Mobileread website, cannot get help from the author of Epubmerge...
Is there any other ways to merge more than 4000 epub files into one file, (total size > 500.00MB)?
Thanks again!
Calibre 3.22.1
Win 10 pro
Could pls relpy to: honahlee@126.com?
The plugin doesn't work with ePUB3 files but only ePUB2.