
Immersion Reading Kindle

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What is Immersion Reading? Immersion Reading, in simple words, is listening and reading the same book at the same time. Today the Immersion reading I want to talk about is reading a Kindle eBook and listening to its corresponding audible companion audiobooks at the same time with real time highlighting. What's more, Immersion Reading highlight the words in the ebook as it reads aloud, which takes you deeper into a story than ever before. This is also can be considered as a useful way to learning language. In the following part, I will show you all things about Immersion Reading Kindle you may want to know. Keep reading, you will get all your questions answered.

Immersion Reading benefits

First of all, let me list who will benefit from Immersion Reading?

1. Students who learn foreign language can see the words while listening. This is more effective than purely reading or listening. What's more, it will also help language learner to improve their tone and pronunciation.

2. Immersion Reading can help people improve concentration power by focusing more on the highlighted text while listening.

3. Immersion Reading enable children adjust their reading speed.

4. Immersion Reading makes reading more accessible to the public.

Immersion Reading supported devices

Before we get started to use Immersion Reading, let's see what devices support Immersion Reading?

Immersion Reading Supported Devices
  1. Kindle App for iOS
Kindle App for Android
Amazon Fire Phone
Kindle Fire 2nd Generation
Kindle Fire HD
Fire HD 6& 7
Fire HDX

As you can see from above table that Immersion Reading is not supported by all the Kindle e-ink devices, such as Kindle paperwhite, or Kindle Oasis.

How to use Immersion Reading?

First of all, I want to make it clear that not all eBooks support Immersion Reading, but only these titles with "Whispersync for Voice" on the product detail page do.

immersion reading available books

Here I will take Kindle Fire as an example to show you how to use Immersion Reading. You can also enjoy this feature on Kindle for iOS and Android devices.


To use Immersion Reading, please purchase the book with whispersync for voice at first and then add narration for this book by purchasing its companion audiobook.


Then download both ebook and audiobook to your Kindle Fire. Then open your eBook. Tap the book content, and you will see a "Play" button at the bottom left corner . Tap the "play" button to start the audiobook.

immersion reading kindle fire

The words have been read will be highlighted on your Kindle Fire screen as above picture. Now you can read and listen simultaneously, with real-time text highlighting.

Immersion Reading FAQ?

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What's the differences between Immersion Reading and Whispersync for voice?

A: Immersion Reading is an extra feature that works with Whispersync for Voice. People want to enjoy the Immersion Reading need to purchased the book with Whispersync for Voice available. For more tips and tricks of Whispersync for Voice, please read 4 Things You Need to Know about the Whispersync for Kindle

Q: What's the difference between Audible audiobooks and Text-to-speech?

A: Audible audiobooks are narrated by professional people such as actors, authors and so on. Not all eBooks have audiobook companion. As for Text-to-speech, it is a feature that companies some of Kindle eBooks but it is read by digital male or female voice. It is less emotional but have the similar experience of Immersion Reading.

Q: Will this work on kindle oasis?

A: Immersion Reading is only available be on Kindle tablets and Kindle for iOS and Android. So you can not enjoy Immersion Reading on kindle Oasis.

Q: Why Immersion Reading does not work?

A: There is great possibility that the eBooks you purchased is mismatching the audiobook. Please ensure the book you purchased have Immersion Reading feature available and match the audible book. You can check if your Kindle Books have corresponding Audible titles by using Aduible Matchmaker.

Q: How to turn off real-time highlighting?

A: Since highlighting is the core feature of Immersion Reading, this is no option to turn off real time highlighting. If you really think real-time highlighting is not acceptable, you can just do not use this feature. Alternatively, you can open the audible book via Audible app while reading to the eBook via Kindle app.

If you have more tips and tricks about Immersion Reading to share, please write them in the comments!


has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!

03/20/2019 17:41:10
I don't understand why their e-readers don't support immersion reading. All the latest generations can play audible via Bluetooth, just not immersion.
07/8/2019 15:33:01

The only half decent explanation i can think of is that because of the low refresh rate on e-ink devices and highlighting is considered a core feature, e-ink devices don't bother trying.

That being said, this is pretty poor imo. Having the Oasis myself I could have easily done without the highlighting.

Maybe they'll bring the feature some day...

01/3/2024 22:23:03
Good afternoon, I am wanting to buy a kindle that has immersion reading and have found the names of the kindles you offer very useful. I would like to know if there is one you recommend or do I pick one from the names you offer.
Thank you
01/16/2024 02:43:52
Can you get a children kindle with immersion reading
01/18/2024 09:46:40
Thank you for reaching us. Kindle devices don’t support Immersion Reading, which lets you listen and read along as the text highlights.
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