
Kindle Cloud Reader to Epub/PDF/Mobi/TXT, Convert Kindle Books Easily

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Update in August 2020: We're sorry to tell you that Amazon has upgraded Kindle Cloud Reader in August 2020 for security reasons, which has finally made it impossible to download books from Kindle Cloud Reader. As a result, Epubor KCR Converter can’t help you convert the Kindle books from now on. As a result, we are not able to directly convert Kindle Cloud Reader books to ePub/PDF/Mobi/TXT.

To remove Kindle DRM and convert Kindle books, there is another tool that can help us, that is, Epubor Ultimate.

Here is the detailed guide: How to Convert Kindle Books to Downloaded via Kindle for PC/MAC.

For MacOS 10.15 Catalina users, please follow the guide on How to Remove Kindle DRM on Mac Catalina.

Download Epubor Ultimate for free trial now

Kindle Cloud Reader is a webpage, providing us with a way to read Kindle books online without buying a Kindle eReader or installing any Kindle app. The latest released Epubor KCR Converter, primarily designed for one purpose--export and convert Kindle Cloud Reader books to DRM-free epub, pdf, mobi, txt books with 1 click.

But actually, I would say KCR Converter is absolutely a very easy-to-use Kindle DRM removal which offers us a new way to easily remove Kindle DRM (especially KFX DRM). You should never miss out this powerful tool. Now let’s find out how to convert Kindle Cloud Reader to Epub/PDF/Mobi/TXT step by step.

Kindle Cloud Reader to epub/pdf/mobi/txt

Why Export and Convert Kindle Cloud Reader to Epub/PDF/Mobi/TXT

Why should we export and convert Kindle Cloud Reader books to epub/pdf/mobi/txt with KCR Converter? If you are trying to decrypt your Kindle books and read them anywhere you like, I would suggest you should use KCR Converter. The reason why I here strongly recommend this new tool include but not limited to the following points:

1 KCR Converter provides a new easier way to remove Kindle DRM and convert Kindle books to epub/pdf/txt/mobi.

2 No need to own a Kindle device, or install Kindle for PC/Mac to decrypt Kindle books.

3 We can still downgrade Kindle for PC/Mac to remove DRM from Kindle KFX books. But with Epubor KCR Converter, you don't need to take this step.

4 When the new macOS 10.15 Catalina is released, Epubor KCR Converter has become the only effective tool to remove Kindle DRM on the new macOS Catalina.

How to Convert Kindle Cloud Reader to Epub/PDF/Mobi/TXT

Thanks to Epubor team, now we have the most hassle-free KCR Converter to convert Kindle Cloud Reader to DRM-free epub/pdf/mobi/txt. Now let's take a look at how KCR Converter works.

Step 1 Visit read.amazon.com on Google Chrome browser (or new Microsoft Edge browser) and log in to Kindle Cloud Reader with your Amazon account.

Step 2 In the Kindle Cloud Reader library, click the book cover of a book to open the book in Kindle Cloud Reader to read it.

click book cover in Kindel Cloud Reader

Step 3 While you are reading the book, the book would start to download automatically. And a downloading process will soon appear in the bottom-right corner showing the progress.

Notice: Please don't exit the page when the book is still downloading, otherwise the downloading process will not be completed.

downloading process in kindle cloud reader

Tips A way to check whether your book is downloaded completely or not.

If a box showing "Remove Book" pops up when you right click the book, it means the book has been downloaded completely. If there is no reaction when you right-click the book, it means the book hasn't been downloaded yet.

remove book from Kindle Cloud Reader

Step 4 Download and run Epubor KCR Converter.

Download Epubor KCR Converter for Free

Note: As Kindle Cloud Reader books cannot be downloaded, Epubor KCR Converter is no longer useful. Therefore, Epubor decided not sell KCR Converter any more.

Step 5Convert Kindle Cloud Reader books to EPUB/PDF/Mobi/TXT.

Once you launch Epubor KCR Converter, all Kindle Cloud Reader books that are downloaded completely will be displayed on the main interface of KCR Converter automatically. Click the checkbox on the left of each book title to choose the books you want to convert. Next set the output format as epub/pdf/mobi/txt and tap the "Convert to XXX" button to start the conversion.

Notice: When you download any new books from Kindle Cloud Reader, you need to click the "Refresh" button in the upper-left corner, otherwise the new downloaded books won't be uploaded to KCR Converter. (If your book is not appearing in Epubor KCR Converter, it means your book has not been downloaded completely.)

convert Kindle Cloud Reader to epub/pdf/mobi/txt/azw3

In a second, the conversion will be completed and a folder storing the converted files will pop up automatically.

converted kindle books

Now you've successfully converted your Kindle Cloud Reader books to DRM-free epub/pdf/mobi/txt books and you can start to read your Kindle books freely on any device or eReader. If you fail to convert Kindle Cloud Reader books with KCR Converter, please reconfirm whether the following two required conditions are met:

1 Make sure you've visited Kindle Cloud Reader (read.amazon.com) with Google Chrome or new Microsoft Edge.

2 Open the book in Kindle Cloud Reader and make sure it has been 100% downloaded.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Why my books don't start downloading when I open the book. The downloading process didn't appear in the bottom right corner.

A: There do exist a part of users who are not able to download Kindle books from Kindle Cloud Reader. To solve this problem, first please make sure your internet connection is good. If the book still doesn't start downloading, I'm sorry that Epubor KCR Converter now cannot help you if you cannot download since the tool works only when you are able to download the book from Kindle Cloud Reader.

The workaround solution is to download your book from older version of Kindle for PC/Mac and then use Epubor Ultimate to convert your Kindle books downloaded via Kindle for PC/Mac.

Q2: I downloaded and pinned some new Kindle books on Kindle Cloud Reader, but they don't show on KCR Converter. What's wrong?

A: Every time you download and pin new Kindle Cloud Reader books, you need to relaunch Epubor KCR Converter, otherwise they cannot be detected and uploaded.

Q3: Kindle Cloud Reader can't open this book.

cannot open book on kcr

A: Some books (like eTextbooks, picture books and long-text novels) can't be opened by Kindle Cloud Reader because Amazon Kindle has made some limitations on such books which must be opened with the Kindle app. Such books are not supported by Epubor KCR Converter since KCR Converter only converts those books which can be downloaded, However, you can still use Epubor Ultimate to convert Kindle books from Kindle for PC/Mac desktop app to ePub/PDF/Mobi/TXT.

Q4: Where Can I find the downloaded Kindle Cloud Reader books?

A: The downloaded Kindle books from Kindle Cloud Reader are stored here:

For Windows: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\databases\https_read.amazon.com_0

For Mac: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/databases/https_read.amazon.com_0

where is kindle kcr file


With the help of Epubor KCR Converter, it is much easier for us to decrypt and convert Kindle books, right? It's no exaggeration to say KCR Converter is the most easy-to-use Kindle DRM Removal in the market. Don't miss the great opportunity to get KCR Converter now!


loves technology & reading very much. She seeks the methods to enjoy eBooks and audiobooks more freely and wants to share everything new she has got with you.

07/31/2019 00:26:55
This does not work. I have downloaded the latest version of Chrome twice today, reinstalled them, rebooted, etc. It still says that "This version of Google Chrome does not support the current Chrom Extension format. Update Google Chrome to enable offline support." I clicked the link to "Update Google Chrome", downloaded from there, and installed and rebooted. Still no change. Instead of saying to use the latest version of Chrome, how about giving us the exact version number that you say this works with so I can download that specific version and test?
07/31/2019 01:15:41


As mentioned in FAQ #2 above, you need to install the Kindle Cloud Reader Chrome extension.

I had the same problem. Once I installed the extension, offline support was enabled.

07/31/2019 17:49:09
Finally, I found the easiest-to-use tool to decrypt my Kindle books. I really like KCR Converter. Thank you so much!
08/1/2019 08:50:00
Thank you for your comments. We are glad to know that you like our software.
08/1/2019 21:50:14

I have been a user of Epubor Ultimate for Mac for some time but have been unable to use it successfully this year because you still have no fix for the problems caused by the Kindle for Mac upgrade even after such a long time. So I decided to try KRC after receiving an email from you promoting it. I have two points to make about this. Firstly, this web page advertises it as a free download but in fact it is only a free trial. However, there is no way to trial it. I installed it and it found the book I want to convert. I chose output as azw3 but there is convert button to tap. Presumably, you want me to buy a license before that is possible. If that is the case, this is not a trial, merely an advert - until I can actually test that it convert a book, why would I want to buy a license?

The second point I want to raise is that I paid for a full license for Ultimate that promised upgrades that would deal with issues like Kindle updates yet nothing happens. I feel I paid for a service I don't get. I now find that you want me to pay yet again for KRC yet I doubt there is any guarantee that that will continue to work after Amazon make a change to KR. In short, it feels like you are milking users with half-baked products that have short life spans at best.

Why should I bother with your products? Even the free trials don't work.

08/2/2019 09:11:15
Thank you for using Epubor software.
Question 1: Please tick three book and then convert your book. The trial version only allows you to convert 3 books in total.
Question 2: We did offer the free update, but we need time. Do you still remember that Epubor is the first one to crack KIndle kfx on 2017. All purchased customers are free to update their software to remove the KFX drm at then. For now, the amazon has changed its scheme, and the KFX2 is much tougher, so we need some time to study this.I hope you can understand that Amazon is the big gaint in eBOOK development, that's why this process takes so long. Hope you can understand our hard work and we are still keep trying.
Have a nice day!
03/28/2020 04:52:07
How about adding an "Update" feature to KCR Converter?
03/29/2020 10:25:36
Thank you for your advice. We will report this advice to our R&D department and we 'll let you know the final decison.
04/16/2020 00:44:09
Where Can I find the downloaded Kindle Cloud Reader books on a Mac?
05/2/2020 10:13:26
It's not working for me either. I've downloaded and redownloaded Kindle Cloud Reader Chrome extension multiple times and never once was I even able to see my book list, let alone download anything. Is it because I'm in the US and the Chrome extension is made for UK residences? Please help me!
05/4/2020 10:19:47

Thank you for your feedback. Kindle cloud reader did work in USA.
To help you fix your problem, please contact us via support@epubor.com and  describe your issue clearly. And our technical staff can help you fix it via Teamviewer.

Look forward to hearing from you.

05/6/2020 10:29:48
I have restarted many times KCR and still cannot see my downloaded book. Extension is working fine, but cannot see it on KCR. Any help?
05/7/2020 08:54:47

Thank you for contacting us.

In this situation, our technical staff can help you check what's the issue via Teamviewer and help you fix it. Please contact us via support@epubor.com to get further assitance.

05/6/2020 10:34:16
Hi, although the Chrome extensions is working fine; I cannot see some books in KCR.
I have restarted it many times, but no luck.
Could anyone help me?
05/7/2020 08:56:37

Thank you for contacting us and sincerely sorry for this issue.

Which amazon wbesite did you purchase your book?

Can you please let  our technical staff to help you check this issue via Teamviewer? If yes, please contact us via support@epubor.com to get the further assistance.

Look forward to your early reply.

06/22/2020 10:34:22

I have already done Steps 1, 2, and 3. I can see the books I've already "Download & Pin Book"...but now the KCR is asking for a "License email"??
What is this? I'm sorry, this is all new to me.
What are these licenses for? Do I need more than one? Does it coast money? I've only downloaded the KCR trial program. Is that going to be an issue?
I hope to hear from someone soon! I totally need help!

Many thanks,

06/23/2020 08:54:01

Thank you for asking.
The trial version can convert 3 books in total. If you have more than 3 books to convert, you need to purchase the licensed version.
To use the trial version, please just click the registration window.

Any more problem, please feel free to contact support@epubor.com

07/9/2020 00:04:52
It looks like Amazon has eliminated the Download and Pin feature. Old books stay pinned, but there is no option for new books.
07/9/2020 09:31:23
Yes, we are investigating this issue. We'll keep you posted if there is any progress.
07/9/2020 17:44:07
Glad to inform you that this problem has been fixed. Please update kcr converter to the latest version and learn how to download kindle books from the latest version of Kindle cloud reader>> https://www.epubor.com/kcr-converter.html
07/9/2020 02:28:50
the download and pin doesn't exist anymore
07/9/2020 09:33:11
Yes, the download feature is unavailable anymore. We are investigating this issue and will keep you posted if there is any progress.
07/9/2020 17:44:41
Glad to inform you that this problem has been fixed. Please update kcr converter to the latest version and learn how to download kindle books from the latest version of Kindle cloud reader>> https://www.epubor.com/kcr-converter.html
07/24/2020 10:41:10
Everything was working fine until about a week ago. The books download, but there's no "Pin" option, as that somehow been disabled?
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