I purchased LDS-related books from Deseret Book, but is it possible to read Deseret e-books on Kobo reader?
Deseret Book is a publishing company and bookstore that provides various products and services related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), including many books, music, art, and other media content on its online website. Deseret Book also offers a subscription service called Bookshelf+, which provides access to over 2,500 eBooks and all LDS audiobooks.
Nevertheless, Deseret Book makes it clear that Kindle/Nook devices cannot use their e-books. So, how can I read my Deseret books on other e-readers and back them up? You'll learn how to download your Deseret books locally and read them on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, reMarkable, and other devices as you continue reading.
How to purchase eBooks and audiobooks from Deseret?
On the Deseret Book website, you can purchase books in different formats, including eBooks, audiobooks (MP3/CD), paperbacks, and more.
Then you can select the format you would like to order and add the books to your shopping cart.
Next, just finish the remaining checkout steps, you will successfully purchase your favorite books on the Deseret Book website.
How to read Deseret ebooks and listen to Deseret audiobooks?
You can use the Deseret Bookshelf app or the Deseret Book online web reader to access the e-books and audiobooks you've purchased from the Deseret Book website.
(1) Deseret Bookshelf Web Reader
To access eBooks and audiobooks, you need go to https://read.deseretbook.com/, and all the books will show up in your Library.
Simply click the book cover, and you can easily read the ebooks or listen to the audibooks via a browser online.
Note: You can use a web browser program like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari to open the Bookshelf web reader.
(2) Deseret Bookshelf App for Android/iOS
If you want to access your Deseret ebooks and audiobooks, using its mobile app is also a great choice. Once you have purchased or downloaded a book, it will be sent directly to your Library on your app.
In addition, you can also click the "Cloud" icon to download the purchased books and Bookshelf+ titles in the app for offline reading.
Note: If you want to access Deseret Book's entire audiobook and ebook library, please don't forget to subscribe to Bookshelf+ subscription. It offers two subscription plans: $9.99 /Month and $99 /year.
How to read Deseret books on Kindle/Kobo/Nook/reMarkable and other devices
Generally, you can read eBooks from Deseret only on the Web, or on the mobile application Deseret Bookshelf for Android/iOS. No matter if you purchased books from Deseret Books or subscribed to Bookshelf+, you are not allowed to download your books as local files can be used as you wish.
Step 1: Download Deresert books to local computers
Although the Bookshelf app for iOS and Android allows you to download your favorite books for offline use, you cannot access the downloaded content from anywhere other than the Deseret Bookshelf app. Downloading the books from your Deseret library to your own computer is therefore a crucial step. I strongly advise using our Epubor eBook Conversion Service if you want to locally backup your preferred Deseret e-books and audiobooks.
Bonus Tip: Epubor Conversion Service
Epubor team focused on the eBook conversion field for many years. To read your Deseret books on any device, this service can assist you with downloading and converting them to local EPUB/PDF files. Additionally, you can backup and preserve your preferred Deseret titles indefinitely to prevent losing them when your subscription expires.
Order Epubor Conversion Service
Important note:
Before ordering Epubor service, please Contact Epubor Support by Email for more details. Additionally, you must provide your Deseret Bookshelf account details. Once the conversion is complete, you will receive the converted book files via email. The Epubor team will respond to your email as soon as possible, providing you with all the preparation instructions you require.
Step 2: Transfer the converted Deseret books to Kindle/Kobo/Nook and other devices
Many eReaders support DRM-free epub and PDF files, including Kindle and Kobo. As long as you get your Deseret ebooks to local EPUB/PDF files, it is effortless to sideload them to any device and read them anytime.
Deseret Book not only provides gospel and spiritual books but also remarkable audiobooks. But if you don't want to be limited to its web reader and mobile app, don't hesitate to try Epubor Conversion Service. It helps you back up your favorite LDS selection of titles so you can enjoy them on any device from anywhere.
Order Epubor Conversion Service

Nancy Hello, my name is Nancy! I’ve been always a book enthusiast, and I love reading very much. As an editor for Epubor, I’m glad to share all my favorite books, audiobooks, and tips to read E-books all I know.