I’ve been having issues with the Kindle app crashing every time I open a book. Anyone else having this issue? How to fix it?
This is common case that kindle app closes unexpectedly no matter on Windows, Mac, Android or iPhone. Is there any solutions to this kindle app crashing issue? Sure, keep reading to learn how to fix kindle crashing.
Solutions for Kindle App Crashing on Mac
Many users complained that they have been experiencing the kindle app for mac crashing issue since the Mac OS has been updated to the Big Sur. To read kindle books properly, we have to fix the kindle app quit unexpectedly at first.
Solution 1 If you have executed the command chmod -x /Applications/Kindle.app/Contents/MacOS/renderer-test for downloading the older kindle kfx format, your kindle for mac will crash each time when you try to open kindle books.
To get this issue fixed, you just need to enter the following command to your terminal and press “enter”. If your Mac have passwords, please also input them when requested.
sudo chmod +x /Applications/Kindle.app/Contents/MacOS/renderer-test
This command can help you reverse the kindle app for mac to the prior version. After executing this command, please de-register kindle for Mac by clicking "Kindle>> Preference>> Deregister" and then register kindle for Mac again, download kindle books for reading. This time, your kindle for Mac will not quite unexpectedly.
Solution 2 If you are not fall in the above case, then try the following solutions to get your issue fixed.
1 Restart your Mac. Since restart can fix most problem caused by the software, give it a shot.
2 Ensure your Mac OS is updated. If not, you can update your Mac by going to System Preferences>>Software update>>Update Now.
3 Ensure you are using the latest version of Kindle for Mac. You can just download the latest version here on Amazon.
Download Latest Kindle for Mac Here
4 Uninstall and reinstall Kindle for Mac
Step 1. Quit kindle for Mac.
Step 2. Open the Finder>>Applications>>Kindle app>>right click and select “Move to Trash”.
Now you have deleted kindle application from your Mac. To make your new installation is not affected by the previous kindle cache, there are more work to do.
Step 3. Open the terminal and input the command and press “Enter” to delete “My Kindle Content” folder.
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Kindle/storage
rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/com.amazon.Kindle/Data/Library/Application\ Support/Kindle/storage
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Kindle
If you have changed the directory of Kindle content folder, you have to find the folder and delete it manually.
Step 4, Download Kindle for Mac and then install it on your Mac.
Solutions for Kindle App Crashing on Windows
For various reasons, Kindle App may crash on Windows. There are some basic tips to help you fix Kindle App Crashing on Windows computer.
General fix for this issue is uninstalling the current Kindle for PC and re-installing it again. Different cases, things will be different.
Solution 1 If this is caused by loading the specific file in “My Kindle Content” folder, just delete it. Then restart your Kindle for PC again. Or you can just delete the whole “My Kindle Content” folder. Its default path is C:\Users\your computer user name\Documents\My Kindle Content
Solution 2 The Kindle on my PC won't open, I tried deleting the shortcut from my Desktop and re-installing Kindle from Amazon, every time I do that, once it loads, a box appears saying "Kindle is currently running. Do you want to close it and continue?"-- This is from a Windows 7 user.
For this issue, uninstalling and reinstalling seems doesn’t work for many users. There is one solution from Amazon official, who suggests the users upgrading the Windows from 7 to 10.
But here is a better solution for this kindle of problem, download an older version of Kindle for PC and then install it on Windows 7, then stop the auto-update immediately after installing.
Download Kindle for PC 1.24 Now>>
Solutions for Kindle App Crashing on Android
On Android device, you are taken to the home screen automatically whenever you try to start kindle app. This is because kindle app for Android is crashing. Here are some steps for your reference.
Solution 1 Clear the cache of the app and restart your mobile device to check if this issue exists.
Solution 2 Try to un-install and re-install the app from Google Play store.
Solution 3 The kindle app doesn’t like being put into the extra slot. If you have installed the Kindle app on the extra SD card, it will not work properly. You can just uninstall your Kindle app for android and then move the extra GB card. Then install the Kindle app on your built-in memory on your Android device. Now you can insert your extra memory card. Your kindle for android will work like a charm this time.
Solutions for Kindle App Crashing on iPhone/iPad
If you are on iPhone or iPad, there are also some workarounds you should try.
Solution 1 The first thing you should do is restarting your iPhone or Ipad.
Solution 2 Try to uninstall and reinstall kindle for iOS.
Solution 3 First Switch on airplane mode/disable wifi. Open the Kindle app. You may or may not get a connection message. Wait for minute or so and then turned the wifi back on, and after that the kindle app should load properly.
Solution 4 Please make sure to keep updating to latest version of iOS. Usually these are software bugs and you can expect them to get fixed in upcoming release. Tap Settings > General > Software Update to keep your software update to date.
- If you’ve ever added kindle unsupported books to Kindle app, it will also result in kindle app unresponsive or crashing. So please make sure the books you added are correct. You can decrypt and convert ebooks to kindle format with Epubor Ultimate easily.
- Related article>> How to Read Non-Amazon Books on Kindle
If all above solutions are not working for you, please contact Amazon Customer Support to get further assistance.

Iris Yan has been a passionate member of Epubor since 2017. Her mission is to enhance your ebook reading experience by sharing insightful tips and tricks. Join her on a journey towards reading excellence today!